07 Mai 2019

Family doctors caught in middle in deadly opioid crisis, London study finds

Family doctors are exhausted and overwhelmed by the opioid drug crisis, dealing with patients with chronic pain while being hyper-vigilant about how they prescribe the powerful painkillers, London researchers say…

Lire sur The London Free Press

07 Mai 2019

Formation Histoire du cerveau maintenant offerte en français

Welcome to the new Brain Story Certification Course – we improved the learning experience based on your feedback. The new course has been streamlined and is more concise, but continues to provide a deeper understanding of brain development and its connection to addiction and mental health. The course now includes a new bibliography, a new glossary, an improved navigation system, updated videos and reflective questions in each module.

Lire sur Initiative albertaine pour le bien-être de la famille (AFWI) & Centre canadien sur les dépendances et l’usage de substances (CCDUS)

07 Mai 2019

Call for abstracts now open!

It is our pleasure to invite you to attend the 31st annual Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine Annual Meeting and Scientific conference to be held in Halifax, NS October 24 through 27, 2019…

Lire sur 2019 CSAM Annual Meeting and Scientific Conference

07 Mai 2019

Become a sponsor of CCSA’s Issues of Substance 2019 Conference

CCSA is pleased to offer a wide array of sponsorship, exhibitor and advertising opportunities for its upcoming Issues of Substance 2019 conference, taking place at the Westin Ottawa from November 25–27, 2019…

Lire sur Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction

07 Mai 2019

Rates of people seeking meth treatment in Sask. increase 10 times over past 5 years

As discussed in the government’s human services committee meeting on April 29, officials indicate rates of addictions patients reporting crystal meth use in 2012-13 was about three per cent. That figure increased annually – reaching 30.58 per cent in 2017-18…

Lire sur Global News

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